Cram Sesh

With three midterms on Thursday, most of my Tuesday and Wednesday were spent studying. While studying in Italy, not much work gets done so other students and I are forced to cram all the information in the week before. I have midterms for Italian, history of Italy since 1960, and family and gender in contemporary Italyall in the day!

Some highlights of my days of course were my meals. I always look forward to food, but even more so after hours of studying in the same place. For lunch on Wednesday it was the return of the oatmeal! At school and at home I have oatmeal every day for breakfast and it wasn't until coming here that I realized just how much I liked it. I honestly think its one of my favorite foods and I miss it! I finally found some at an Italian grocery store so made it for lunch in the microwave at school. Although not as good as my oats at home with all the fixin’s, it definitely hit the spot! Oh how I have missed my oats!

Another highlight was the dinner my host mother made in Tuesday night. With three different vegetables for our main course, how could I complain?! We enjoyed sautéed peppers, steamed artichokes, cooked carrots, and tuna for our main course after a blended soup with potato and celery. Delish! I loved the break from all heavy starches and replacement with a such a variety of veggies. It was definitely my kind of meal.

It's been a couple late nights this week hitting the books: Midterms are next, and then spring break!

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